Monday, September 26, 2005

About Fly fishing

Aaron, was out fly fishing by moon light and took the attached picture. Aaron told me the following: The thing with fly fishing (dry fly) is you need to watch the fly and pull back just as the fish takes the fly. As soon as a fish feels the "fly" isn't real, they spit it out and you've missed it. I stayed out this night later cuz the fish were so active; that happens when the sun drops below the hills. In this case, there was only moon light. I had to listen for the fish to break the surface of the water (a ripple sound) and judge my pull back from that. No way to see the fly. Got a few small German Brown Trout and put them back. This is Woods Lake, a small lake in Alpine County off of Highway 88.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Computer Forensic Team

CFT-computer forensic team.