Friday, April 28, 2006

North Carolina, April 2006, very nice group of people in this class!

North Carolina Home in Asheville

This home was nice, but somebody spends some time on a mower!

Homes in tracks, homes on big lots, homes on acres

There are some pretty nice homes in this area

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I found the BAT CAVE and it had a Post Office!

The photo on the bottom has a waterfall at the top.

Click on the photos to see them in a larger view.

Barn in North Carolina

Chimney Rock Park North Carolina April 2006

North Carolina near Chimney Rock Park

Eastern Continental Divide

This reminds me of of some of the rivers in Yosemite and Tahoe area. Saw lots of people fishing along this river.

Looks like a nice place to live, if the river stays low enough!

Plants like this climate.

Adonica telling stories!

We had a little function and Adonica was lively and fun! She was telling us some story, but the content of the story escapes me at this moment!

Airforce1/ 26000 at the Sacramento Airport April 2006

North Carolina plates/ Nice lot sizes on some homes here

Monday, April 24, 2006

North Carolina-Interesting trees!

Caught a few of the trees just before sunset. I posted a sunset photo down the page a bit.

Some of the wooded areas are nice here

I wandered a bit and took some photos of a wooded area. Some of the taller trees look great with the light coming down through them.

NC Flowers and fauna I have not seen before

Trees North Carolina 2006

These were pretty nice trees. The vine looked like it was right at home going all the way up the trunk

North Carolina Trees and sunset

North Carolina sunset

North Carolina, Police Academy/State Trooper car

What size lot do you want!

Found some vintage tin

There are some beautiful dogwoods here.

There are some really nice homes and a sprinkling of others in the area.