Thursday, June 29, 2006

Pier 17 looking back at the city NY

Pier 17 Ship and view of BB after sun is down

Junior's Cheesecake

We had two of these at lunch. This is on the far side of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Grand Central

NYPD in time Square

Time Square lots of activity-interesing people all over

Empire State from top and bottom

Empire State Building.

A view from the top!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New York- class

Proposed Skyline New York

An artist's rendition of what they want to build.

Croton Fountian

Fancy brick work on the old one!

UN building

From the TAXI

I think he was turning or changing lanes. I am suprised it is this straight. They are interesting drivers. One was bitching that the coppers here don't cite the bus drivers. So, he thinks the bus drivers get away with driving any way they want. Pretty interesting characters, those Taxi guys.

Chrysler and Trump

Monday, June 26, 2006

Ground Zero

They are rebuilding



Very nice church!

NYPD next to City Hall

Brooklyn Bridge

Some local rides

Art and fountians mixed into the area

Fred took me to Gettysburg and was my guide

The man is a walking fact book. I am amazed at how many facts he has about this place. Everybody else had to pay for a docent! I learned a lot in one day. This was fun.


Cannons shot all kinds of ordinance

There are re-inactors here on a regular basis.