Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Water tower off of Lake Michigan-Milwaukee

Art Museum on lake Michigan at night, the wings fold down

Monday, July 10, 2006

Milwaukee and one big lake!

Art Mesuem on the lake

Summer Fest, last day Milwaukee

The guy behind Steve is really bored!

The rain was 2.76 inches today, a record here! the road back to the hotel had about 12 to 15 inches of water in places. The main walk ways in the summer fest had about 5 inches of water. There were some really wet people here!

We found Schlitz and Blatz-BEER HERE!

Pics of some of the older buildings

The shorter one is a School. It is in front of the Schlitz Brewery. It looks like it was part of the Brewery.

There are some old churches that are pretty cool here

This is right across the street from Pabst brewing

Steve, seeing all the hot spots in Milwaukee

NYPD class

Staton Island Ferry is free and it goes by the Statue of Liberty