Monday, August 01, 2011

D.B. Cooper

This is my uncle.  I thought he looked like the composite when it came out.  I would like to know if it was or was not him?  He was 8th army.   He was a load master on the 747.  Three tours in Vietnam.  He retired in October before this came out.  He stayed with us for a while and then we dropped him at Travis Airfoce base on a dark rainy night.  He said he had a job to do up North.  When I saw the composite, I showed it to my mom, (his sister), without telling her it was a composite.  Since I used to draw faces in pencil, she assumed I drew it and told me it was a good picture of uncle Wes.  When I explained what it was, she was not going to discuss it anymore.  She never would tell me where he lived after that.  They were raised in a Masonic Home and were close.  Then he dies in Seattle.  Let me think, the only place that celebrated DB.  He was not treated very well by the locals here upon return, as happened to  many Vietnam military vetrans.  Pretty much everything matches even to the type of cigarette he smoked, Ralieghs, (we bugged him to get the coupons).  Nobody seemed too interested over the years.  Now it is in the news again.  What do youi think, does the photo match the composite??  The photo is like late 1950s?    FBI Agent Larry Carr is supposed to be on to a good lead now.  Let's see how that pans out? 
